Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I hate thinking about money.  I think about it all the time though.  There is an ongoing ledger in my brain: can I afford this experience?  Can I eat?  Can I pay the bills?

It is frustrating that people don't really think they have to look after their own money.  I think we are way too entitled in this country.  We have had so much given to us that we don't think we need to watch our finances.

"Whaaat?  I have to be responsible for myself?  WTF?!"

Yeah, we have to pay our own bills.  Imagine that.  Holy shit!

I don't know what's up with younger people or people in general.  Do we just have it too good?  We don't understand how it is to deal with scarcity on a day to day basis?

Ok, so here's what's up.  We have to use our dollars wisely.  Put your money where your values are. Keeping your own housing, food, and safety are important.  Where can you afford to play?  What trade offs are you willing to make?

I studied economics.  Life is all about trade offs.  What are you willing to give up for something else?

Are you willing to work for it?

Honestly, I think Americans need a boost in their work ethic.  We can't just wait around for someone to make a life for us; we have to do it ourselves day by day.

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